Perl is a popular scripting language which is which is used to make different web-oriented applications, which includes CGI scripts. Among the features that distinguish it from many other programming languages is the employment of modules - batches of Perl program code which do predefined tasks and they are widely accepted. In simple terms, instead of creating custom code to do something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of code in your script, you can "call" a module which is already available for this particular task and use just a few lines of code. Thus, your script will be executed much more rapidly because it is much smaller. Using modules will also make your script simpler to change because you'll need to browse through a smaller amount of program code. In case you wish to use Perl on your website, you have to ensure that the necessary modules are available on the server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Hosting

When you acquire one of the shared plans that we provide, you'll receive access to a rich library of more than 3400 Perl modules that are already set up on our cloud server platform. After you sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel, you are able to go to the Server Information area where you can see the whole list. Part of them are more popular than others, but we offer such a large number because we realize that when you employ an app from a third-party site, it could have certain requirements as to which modules have to be present on the server or it might not function efficiently. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are among the modules that you can access and use on your sites.