With an .htaccess file, you can specify how the server that handles the requests to your websites must act in different occasions. This is a text file with directives that are carried out when someone tries to open your site and what happens next depends on the content of the file. For example, you can block a certain IP address from accessing the website, therefore the server will decline your visitor’s request, or you can forward your domain name to a different URL, so the server will direct the visitor to the new web address. Also you can use custom-made error pages or protect any part of your site with a password, if you place an .htaccess file inside the correct folder. Many popular script-driven applications, including WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, use an .htaccess file to operate properly.

.htaccess Generator in Shared Hosting

You may use an .htaccess file for any purpose on our modern cloud platform no matter which shared plan you select when you sign up. Furthermore, if you'd like to use one of the features which this kind of a file provides, but you don't have a lot of experience, you can use our .htaccess generator tool, that shall provide you with an easy-to-use interface where you can use checkboxes and type only file names or URLs. In this way, you are able to take advantage of an .htaccess file even if you do not know the syntax of the directives you need to use in general. With only a few mouse clicks, you will be able to forward a domain, to choose a different home page for a website, or to even set a different version of PHP for a particular site, which could be different from the version that your hosting account uses.