Dreamweaver Compatible
Discover what "Dreamweaver Compatibily" means when it's used as a feature for an website hosting account.
Dreamweaver is among the most widespread desktop apps for creating professionally looking websites. It offers a number of attributes which include a wide selection of templates and it provides you with the option to make interactive menus and buttons without the need for coding skills or previous experience. Furthermore, more experienced users will be able to write or edit the site code manually as well. In addition, you will be able to include contact forms so as to make it easier for your site visitors to reach you. Dreamweaver has a number of advantages over online website design platforms - you can generate and update multiple websites simultaneously, and you will always have a backup copy on your machine if you delete content from your hosting server by accident. You're able to publish and update a website designed with Dreamweaver right from the app.
Dreamweaver Compatible in Shared Hosting
You'll be able to employ Dreamweaver in order to develop your site with each shared plan that we offer due to the fact that our revolutionary cluster platform is Dreamweaver-compatible. All that you will have to do is type in the FTP info for your account in the program settings and you shall be able to publish all the content that you make on your machine directly to our servers. This way you are able to eliminate any third-party FTP software and you won't need to use even your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Maintaining your site up-to-date will not require anything different - you're able to make as many changes as you need at home or at work and as soon as you publish the website, Dreamweaver will connect to our servers and it'll replace the older files with the revised ones, which means that your update will go online immediately.